Once Upon A Marigold by Jean Ferris, is a fascinating story. It's of a young adult named Christian who encounters a threat upon his beloved. They go through a lot, Christian and Marigold, trying to figure out a way to intercept the Queen's wicked plot. The Queen was selfish and wanted to rule the kingdom all on her own with the king in her power. She figured that if she were to kill Marigold then Marigold could not take the throne. From Christian trying to prevent the Queen from hurting Marigold, he got thrown into the dungeon where he made a wonderful machine. He escaped the dungeon and the cold grasps of death, living his happy ever after with Marigold.
One of the themes that I found in this book was to fight for love. One of the examples in the book that I found was when Marigold and Christian fought for there love because Christian was only a servant in the castle " Marigold and Christian finally got to say I do"(244). Magnus was only going to marry Marigold for the wealth of the family when she loved Christian from her heart. " I cant love him ( Magnus) I love someone else (Christian)" (188). Finally, for my third example from the story was, Christian was finally able to marry Marigold because they found that he was a prince. " You're husband material for Marigold. It'll be you instead of Magnus as the groom" ( 223). That is why I think that fight for love is a good theme for this book.
I would recommend this book to other 7th grade readers because it is very interesting and is fascinating to read. I think this book would be mainly for kids who are into fantasy. The two sequels are Twice upon a Marigold and Thrice upon a Marigold. That is why I recommend this book to other 7th grade readers and the sequels.
Jean Ferris was a kid who moved a lot as a child. She attended three different high schools. Jean Ferris took English classes and was righting piles of stories since the age of seven. She didn't think of publishing her stories tell the mid-thirties. She has written many varieties of books. Some of the other stories Jean Ferris has written were Underground, Much Ado About Grubstake, Eight Seconds, and Bad. Those are just some of the other books by Jean Ferris and some info about her. I really hope that you consider reading Once Upon A Marigold.