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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Should DYP Happen Every Year?

 Should Discover Your Potential (DYP) happen every year? I believe it should. It should because kids need more time to find what they're good at! It helps the kids of Blatchley Middle School (BMS) as well. DYP should happen every year.

 DYP is a wonderful, educational program. It helps you find what you're good at. There are many classes so, plenty to do! There are also really cool people to work with. You can do four different classes including fire building, zen-tangle, acrylic creatures, singing, and plenty more. Don't you want to do DYP now?

Personally I think four days is not long enough for kids to find what they're good at. Kids need more time to "discover their potential."  DYP is also very exciting and fun. You get to have a wide range of activities to do. To re-cap, DYP is fun, many activities, and kids need more time to find what they are good at! 

DYP helps kids! DYP allows  kids to form skills based on what their class is. Some classes you take you can learn how to skate, paint, dance, build fires, and lots more. Most of the classes are very educational as well. This is how DYP helps the kids of BMS!

So, should DYP happen every year! Yes, it should! It's a wonderful program! Kids need a lot more time to find their potential, and DYP is super helpful! Now that you know how great DYP is you need to go find Mr.White and tell him we need DYP every year!

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