cute dog pic

Thursday, March 26, 2015

My messenger Talk.

It was a stupid rainy day in Sitka, Alaska. I was inside my house lying in my bed, in my poorly cleaned room. The light from my window was dimming. My dad and little sister were in the other room watching a movie. I decided to go on my phone that was right next to me. I picked it up and went onto messenger to talk to my friends.

"I love vine," Ena stated.
Kayla followed with," Lol Ena,you prob do it in secret lol."
" Maybe I do maybe I don't the world may never know," typed Ena.
Kayla said,"He He or do they..."
" Dan Dan Daaaannnn!" said Ena.
I then stated," I belong in the 80s."
 Ena then sent a pic of two girls dressed from the 80s."
" Those my girls," I joked.
Kayla said," Lol."
Bobby said, "Ah push it"
Kayla stated," True"
I Said, " colorful aint they."
" Hehe yup," said Kayla
I said," They stole my shirt!"
Bobby stated," Hey hey hey hey,oh dont you forget about me!"
"Lol," said Kayla.
" Any of you want a cat?" I said.
" Me, lol," Kayla stated.
I said, " I have to get rid of my cat and she needs a good home."
" I cant have a cat, lol," stated Kayla.
I said," What kind of lol is that? "
Kayla said, " I uhnno."
" You know anyone who wants a cat?" I asked.
" Hm, not really sowwy," answered Kayla.
I said, " It ok."

 It's good to know that if you're bored that you have people to talk to out of nowhere. I could have found a new home for my cat. I also, escaped from going in the other room to be hurt by my little sister. I had friends to talk to at anytime, and that was good.

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