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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wings Of Fire: The Hidden Kingdom

Wings Of Fire: The Hidden Kingdom, by TuiT.Suthernland is about a Rainwing named Glory. Her and her friends Tsunami, Sunny, Clay and and Starflight go to the rain forest to help a sick, injured, old guardian named Webs. He was struck by the poison from the tip of a Sandwing tale. They find a secret tunnel where they believe missing Rainings have been captured. Glory uses herself as bait to find a "monster," who she thinks is the person or creature actually capturing the Rainwings! Glory gets taken unconscious to the " Secret land of the Nightwing," where she later escapes with the help of Clay, and a Nightwing named Deathbringer. Glory wants to rescue the other Rainwings by Challenging the Rainwing Queen to get an army. Her new Rainwing friends Kinkajou, mangrove, Jambu, and blind Rainwing Tamarin help her win the thrown! They are now on there way to victor led by new Queen Glory of the Rainwing!

One of the themes I found in Wings Of Fire: The Hidden Kingdom, even if you are the hero of your own story, you still need help and support from others. pg 217 My first example is when Glory wants to save the captured Rainwings herself, but knows she needs as much as as she can get." she could'nt save the Rainwings on her own, no matter how much she wanted to." pg 290 Another example is when Glory was going to save the Rainwings as a team instead of solo. " we can rescue the missing Rainwings and make sure no more dragonets ever get lost again."pg 290 My final example is Glory knew the only reason why she won the thrown was because of her new friends." You did it,'She said,'Not by myself,' said Glory." My Theme is even if you are the hero of your own story, you still need help and support from others.

I would reconmend this book to other 7th grade students, for this book is filled with action. It really catches your attention, and it's about dragons! If you like Fantasy, then this is the book for you. Ther are 2 more books ahead of this book and 4 more ahead. Have fun reading that wonderful series! Please read this great book, Wings Of Fire: The hidden Kingdom.

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