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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Elective Plastic Surgery Should Be Illegal

Do you know anyone who has had a bad elective plastic surgery that ended in death or tragedy? Plastic surgery can go wrong in many ways. You are perfect the way you are and don't need to fix anything with surgery. Elective plastic surgery can cost hundreds of dollars that could be spent on food or the homeless people starving around you. I believe elective plastic surgery should be illegal!

Some may say that elective plastic surgery is harmless, but people can die from bad plastic surgery done the wrong way by the wrong person. Looking for bigger lips or a face lift can end in having a terrible tragedy! It is also a major waste of time! Instead of going to a hospital for plastic surgery, go to a soup kitchen, meet someone, go use moisturizing cream for your face if it's so bad! Elective plastic surgery goes wrong.

People who have elective plastic surgery really don't need it! You are not so disfigured you need surgery for it! You can have cool battle scars that tell your story. Don't cover those up. If you have elective plastic surgery you won't be recognized! You are perfect, don't ruin it!

Elective plastic surgery costs a lot of money! It is a waste to spend that much money on changing your looks! Instead of spending your money on surgery spend it on the homeless or donate to a children's hospital. I know you could use that money for yourself or someone else. Don't let plastic Surgery take your money. It costs too much money!

Elective plastic surgery should be illegal. It goes wrong, and causes pain and tragedy. You are perfect the way you are. It costs way too much money. Don't let anymore people suffer from elective plastic surgery, and make it illegal!

"Plastic Surgery Costs." ». Asaps, n.d. Web. 06 May 2015.

Pardes, Arielle. "An Ecuadorian Beauty Queen Died Having the Plastic Surgery She Won as a Pageant Prize | VICE | United States." VICE. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2015.

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