cute dog pic

Thursday, December 17, 2015

In a world of mystical creatures and deep woods lived a boy named Jinx. He was rescued by a wizard called Simon after being ditched in the Urwald forest  by his step dad. For seven years Jinx worked for Simon under fairly good conditions cleaning, milking the goat, and became very good at using an axe from chopping wood. Jinx wanted badly to be a wizard like Simon and became his apprentice. It took him long to be able to perform spells but learned a lot of them. Jinx was able to read and speak in many different languages and could see people's thoughts/emotions through colorful clouds above or around their head. One day going out into the Urwald Jinx dug his toes within the soil finding out he could understand the trees. The trees called him “ The Listener.” Jinx was wondering around in the forest when he spots a werewolf. Remembering a concealment spell taught to him by Simon he tries to make himself  unseeable to the beast, drawing power from the Urwald. That's when he figured out he was not able to do much magic in the closed of area away from the trees that is Simon’s house.
After a while the urge to explore became unbearable to Jinx. Simon has been in an accident and his wife Sophie is taking care of him. Jinx sets off into the world trying to find a way to get his power to see thoughts back that Simon had so rudely took from him. On the way to a witches house whose name is Dame Glamour, he gets robbed from a boy not much bigger than him. He explains to the thief called Reven, that there is a “Truth of the path,” where you can’t harm anyone on the path. Reven then tags along with Jinx meeting another person or girl named Elfwin. They all make there way to Dame Glamour’s house who is also Elfwin’s grandma to find out she cannot help any of them with the curses placed upon them. Dame Glamour sends them all to the evil wizard Bonemaster. The Bonemaster keeps them at his castle not allowing them to leave. The Bonemaster tries to get Simon to come by saying he has Jinx, unfortunately Simon did not get the message until the day before the Bonemaster was ready to kill them all. Jinx, Elfwin, and Reven find a way to escape but not soon enough. Jinx gets in a deadly situation, but Simon saves him. Jink, Elfwin, and Reven are now on their way the Keyland so Reven can claim the throne as king.
In this story there are several main characters. Jinx is the Character the book is based off of and is in throughout the story. He is a boy with dark hair and a slim body. Simon is another person throughout the story. He is a giant wizard who is cranky at times, but really cares. Next is Sophie. Sophie is the wife of Simon, and lives in Samara. She is a lovely person, but gets in fights often with Simon about magic. Reven is a boy relatively the same age and height of Jinx. Reven is mentioned later in the book when he robbed Jinx of most of his money then just tags along. Elfwin is a witch's daughter and the granddaughter of a witch named Dame Glamour. She is mentioned early in the book when Jinx looks through a magic mirror and sees her, not knowing who she is until they meet in person.  Last is the evil Bonemater. He is another old wizard who is enemies with Simon. The Bonemaster draws power from the deaths of other caught in bottles and bones. He lives all alone in a giant castle on a levitating island. Those are the main characters you will meet in the book Jinx.
Jinx main theme would be knowledge is power. Mostly near the beginning of the story Jinx finds a book within Simons workshop that says, “ Knowledge Is Power.”  He finds a way to use that saying to his advantage in opening a secret door that leads to Samara.
“He knew there was a door here. It disappeared a few inches into the stone, which suddenly wasn’t really there. He touched the wood. He ran his fingers over over the rugged surface to where he figured-no, he knew there was a latch” (110). Then when Jinx is speaking with the Bonemaster, He says to Jinx that Simon is evil and only cares about power gained from reading books and gaining that knowledge that he shares with no one. “Power means to much to him. He’d do anything for new magic, for new knowledge. He’d do anything for power” (234). Again with the Bonemaster, he and Elfwin are talking while trying to make a potion. Elfwin asks the Bonemaster what he would do with a way to get to the books within Samara. “Do? With access to Samara, to the libraries? I would learn all the magic I could of course. Knowledge is power” (261). This shows that one of the mains themes found in the book Jinx is Knowledge is power.

I would definitely recommend this book to others. I believe that both children and some adults would find this book worth reading. Jinx is a fantasy book with ware-animals, trolls, witches, wizards and other dastardly creatures. I personally love books like this. If you like magic, mystery, death, lies, and treachery this is the perfect book.Along with Jinx there are two sequels, Jinx’s Magic and Jinx’s Fire.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

What is the difference between a siren and a mermaid.

A siren would sit on rocks singing, leaving sailors to there death.

A mermaid is a fish chick swimming in the water

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wings Of Fire: The Hidden Kingdom

Wings Of Fire: The Hidden Kingdom, by TuiT.Suthernland is about a Rainwing named Glory. Her and her friends Tsunami, Sunny, Clay and and Starflight go to the rain forest to help a sick, injured, old guardian named Webs. He was struck by the poison from the tip of a Sandwing tale. They find a secret tunnel where they believe missing Rainings have been captured. Glory uses herself as bait to find a "monster," who she thinks is the person or creature actually capturing the Rainwings! Glory gets taken unconscious to the " Secret land of the Nightwing," where she later escapes with the help of Clay, and a Nightwing named Deathbringer. Glory wants to rescue the other Rainwings by Challenging the Rainwing Queen to get an army. Her new Rainwing friends Kinkajou, mangrove, Jambu, and blind Rainwing Tamarin help her win the thrown! They are now on there way to victor led by new Queen Glory of the Rainwing!

One of the themes I found in Wings Of Fire: The Hidden Kingdom, even if you are the hero of your own story, you still need help and support from others. pg 217 My first example is when Glory wants to save the captured Rainwings herself, but knows she needs as much as as she can get." she could'nt save the Rainwings on her own, no matter how much she wanted to." pg 290 Another example is when Glory was going to save the Rainwings as a team instead of solo. " we can rescue the missing Rainwings and make sure no more dragonets ever get lost again."pg 290 My final example is Glory knew the only reason why she won the thrown was because of her new friends." You did it,'She said,'Not by myself,' said Glory." My Theme is even if you are the hero of your own story, you still need help and support from others.

I would reconmend this book to other 7th grade students, for this book is filled with action. It really catches your attention, and it's about dragons! If you like Fantasy, then this is the book for you. Ther are 2 more books ahead of this book and 4 more ahead. Have fun reading that wonderful series! Please read this great book, Wings Of Fire: The hidden Kingdom.

Elective Plastic Surgery Should Be Illegal

Do you know anyone who has had a bad elective plastic surgery that ended in death or tragedy? Plastic surgery can go wrong in many ways. You are perfect the way you are and don't need to fix anything with surgery. Elective plastic surgery can cost hundreds of dollars that could be spent on food or the homeless people starving around you. I believe elective plastic surgery should be illegal!

Some may say that elective plastic surgery is harmless, but people can die from bad plastic surgery done the wrong way by the wrong person. Looking for bigger lips or a face lift can end in having a terrible tragedy! It is also a major waste of time! Instead of going to a hospital for plastic surgery, go to a soup kitchen, meet someone, go use moisturizing cream for your face if it's so bad! Elective plastic surgery goes wrong.

People who have elective plastic surgery really don't need it! You are not so disfigured you need surgery for it! You can have cool battle scars that tell your story. Don't cover those up. If you have elective plastic surgery you won't be recognized! You are perfect, don't ruin it!

Elective plastic surgery costs a lot of money! It is a waste to spend that much money on changing your looks! Instead of spending your money on surgery spend it on the homeless or donate to a children's hospital. I know you could use that money for yourself or someone else. Don't let plastic Surgery take your money. It costs too much money!

Elective plastic surgery should be illegal. It goes wrong, and causes pain and tragedy. You are perfect the way you are. It costs way too much money. Don't let anymore people suffer from elective plastic surgery, and make it illegal!

"Plastic Surgery Costs." ». Asaps, n.d. Web. 06 May 2015.

Pardes, Arielle. "An Ecuadorian Beauty Queen Died Having the Plastic Surgery She Won as a Pageant Prize | VICE | United States." VICE. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 May 2015.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

My messenger Talk.

It was a stupid rainy day in Sitka, Alaska. I was inside my house lying in my bed, in my poorly cleaned room. The light from my window was dimming. My dad and little sister were in the other room watching a movie. I decided to go on my phone that was right next to me. I picked it up and went onto messenger to talk to my friends.

"I love vine," Ena stated.
Kayla followed with," Lol Ena,you prob do it in secret lol."
" Maybe I do maybe I don't the world may never know," typed Ena.
Kayla said,"He He or do they..."
" Dan Dan Daaaannnn!" said Ena.
I then stated," I belong in the 80s."
 Ena then sent a pic of two girls dressed from the 80s."
" Those my girls," I joked.
Kayla said," Lol."
Bobby said, "Ah push it"
Kayla stated," True"
I Said, " colorful aint they."
" Hehe yup," said Kayla
I said," They stole my shirt!"
Bobby stated," Hey hey hey hey,oh dont you forget about me!"
"Lol," said Kayla.
" Any of you want a cat?" I said.
" Me, lol," Kayla stated.
I said, " I have to get rid of my cat and she needs a good home."
" I cant have a cat, lol," stated Kayla.
I said," What kind of lol is that? "
Kayla said, " I uhnno."
" You know anyone who wants a cat?" I asked.
" Hm, not really sowwy," answered Kayla.
I said, " It ok."

 It's good to know that if you're bored that you have people to talk to out of nowhere. I could have found a new home for my cat. I also, escaped from going in the other room to be hurt by my little sister. I had friends to talk to at anytime, and that was good.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Wings of Fire The lost Heir

"Wings of Fire" by to Tui T. Suthernland is about a Seawing named Tsunami who travels to the sea kingdom, finds her family, and goes through quite the struggle. Her friends Sunny, Clay, Starflight and Glory get thrown in jail by Tsunami's new mother, or Queen Coral. A person she thought she trusted turned out to have lied to her the entire time, and an old sister of hers was a special kind of dragon that had a certain ability passed on to an Anemone who is also her sister. Tsunami gets thrown in jail as well, but escapes with her friends later on during an attack from the sky kingdom. They are now  on their way to the forest of the Rainwings to help a friend that has got poisoned by one of the queens!

One of the themes I have found in the book was that nothing beats chosen family. When Tsunami was with her new family it didn't come close to how she felt with her friends. " She was surprised at how warm and happy she felt to be back with her friends again. This is how she'd expected to feel among the seawings." pg 180 There is also when Tsunami is back with Clay and its feels better then anything that the sea kingdom could provide. " Clay's deep breathing under her snout was more calming than any seaweed bed or pearl studded under water palace."pg 187 The last one is when Tsunami is flying up the canopy during the attack from the skywings and knows that she has a family that needs her more, loves her more, and she loves. "Too late now. She had this other family, not at all normal, and they need her more than anyone." pg 281 Nothing beats chosen family is my theme for my book and the examples.

I would recommend this book to other 7th graders who are into fantasy. It is very interesting, fun, and plenty of drama. This book has dragons, and some people that they call scavengers. It has no other fairy tale creatures, but is still a great book. There are 6 books in total. Some other books by this author is Pet Trouble, Avatars, Harry Houdini? and a lot more. You should read some of these other wonderful books.

Some cool facts about Tui T. Suthernland, is she was born on July 31st, 1978, in Caracas, Venezuela. In 2009 she was a contestant on Jeopardy. Wrote over 20 books and most are series. Also, and finally her birth sign is a Leo! I hope you read these books and the sequels. You should also check out the author.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Should DYP Happen Every Year?

 Should Discover Your Potential (DYP) happen every year? I believe it should. It should because kids need more time to find what they're good at! It helps the kids of Blatchley Middle School (BMS) as well. DYP should happen every year.

 DYP is a wonderful, educational program. It helps you find what you're good at. There are many classes so, plenty to do! There are also really cool people to work with. You can do four different classes including fire building, zen-tangle, acrylic creatures, singing, and plenty more. Don't you want to do DYP now?

Personally I think four days is not long enough for kids to find what they're good at. Kids need more time to "discover their potential."  DYP is also very exciting and fun. You get to have a wide range of activities to do. To re-cap, DYP is fun, many activities, and kids need more time to find what they are good at! 

DYP helps kids! DYP allows  kids to form skills based on what their class is. Some classes you take you can learn how to skate, paint, dance, build fires, and lots more. Most of the classes are very educational as well. This is how DYP helps the kids of BMS!

So, should DYP happen every year! Yes, it should! It's a wonderful program! Kids need a lot more time to find their potential, and DYP is super helpful! Now that you know how great DYP is you need to go find Mr.White and tell him we need DYP every year!